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The options for light switches are vast, from your standard single-pole switch (this is the simple one you’re used to that flicks on and off), to timers, motion-sensors, dimmers, dimmer combo switches, and full home automation.

Home automation is growing in popularity, and gone are the days when controlling everything from one easy to use computer is just a hokey novelty. With TVs, sound systems, alarm systems, temperature control and complex lighting all over the house, rigging a home automation system makes a lot of sense.

At the very least, the dimmer switch is the way to go. Combo dimmers are also popular, and include a single-pole on/off switch for quick access to a room in addition to a dimmer for setting atmosphere and ambiance.

If you have a home automation system installed, different dimming settings can be saved and accessed at the push of a button to change the atmosphere in a room, or in the whole house all at once.

Enthusiastic light aficionados, diligent designers and savvy homeowners may even choose to control the quality and hue of their lights, for it can’t be overlooked that the light getting cast itself is as important as the position, direction and choice of fixture and installation design.

This is a guest post published by ASPIRE Metro magazine. All Rights Reserved.