Interior decoration and interior designing are important aspects you need to consider once you have purchased a home. The home must be inviting, attractive and it should be comfortable as well. If you are undertaking a home remodeling, you must consider the windows redesign. It will transform the look and feel of the entire home. If you want your home to look attractive, cornice window treatment could be your best option. There are various cornice styles you may choose to spice up the looks of your interior. A cornice is the wooden block which is molded into a proper shape and then it is positioned about the frame of the window. You may utilize cornices for windows, walls and arches.


As per the dimension of the window and your home interior, you can go for a specific style. The height and width of the cornice may be chosen as per your unique design idea. Cornice appears great over the drapes and these can be made as per the fabric of the drape. The bottom of the cornice may be shaped according to the details of the furniture edges and the top portion might be straight. The treatment may be simple or can be ornamental.

When it comes to the height and width of the cornice, the cornice may extend 5-10 inches out from the window frame. A lot depends on the drapes underneath the cornice.

  1. Simple Cornices: The Modern Trend
    The latest trend in the cornices is the simple cornice. This is two to three feet wide cornice where finish is usually placed on the rafter and constitutes smoother plywoods. You can have a simple variation of the straight cornice board which involves a large curve. A large cardboard disc is placed beautifully upon the front cornice that creates the cutway, an arch pattern. The end result of this kind of cornice is the round fabric appearing lavishly draped in the middle. You can add a bit of triangles and curves onto the sides.
  1. The Very Beautiful Woodwork Cornice
    Certain cornices are made totally from the wooden material. The shape of this kind of cornice may be rectangular created from a bamboo board in a horizontal pattern. With an elaborate trim work, you can make it appear like a crown molding. Some of the woodwork cornices can also feature carved designs like the leaves or roping that evoke a vintage style.
  1. Step Pyramid Pattern of Cornice
    The middle of the step pyramid style is horizontal and the finished cornice almost resembles the cutout version of the step pyramid. Start a few inches from either sides and draw the vertical line 1-2 inches by the horizontal line that is several inches wide. Then you need to draw another horizontal or vertical line. The process needs to be repeated on the either sides for a very symmetrical kind of styling.
  1. Triangular Cornice
    You can also create the entire row of triangles in the sawtooth-style pattern from the various cornice styles. Take a scrap cardboard and draw triangles, cut out the shape to let them resemble the saw teeth. Trace the shape onto the edge and at the bottom of the straight front panel of your cornice. Cutting out shapes on the cornice board will offer a notched effect.
  2. Wooden Cornices
    Some of the various cornice styles are made entirely of wood without any use of upholstery. The shape of the cornice can be basic rectangular or may be an elaborate trim work appearing to be a crown mold. You can go for the carved designs like the leaves or the roping from various cornice styles.

When it comes to cornice, you get various cornice styles. A cornice which is covered by fabric is extremely popular nowadays. A cornice shape below the window can be the best kind of window treatment. You can have plain and straight cornices or a cornice featuring details, trim work.